Monday, 26 January 2009

I'm Afraid Not Chapter Seven

I'm afraid that this post is little more than a rant poorly disguised as the reason chapter 7 will not be turning up very soon.
I worked on it. I worked on it in my free period this afternoon at school and also this evening, accomplishing about a page and a half, if not more.
And then I tried to save it onto my memory stick as I usually do, quite normally, and it decided to mess me around and now the whole file on my memory stick has imploded and is gone and the file on my computer proper only goes up to chapter 2 (I really should backup more often). I was reduced to coming on here and copy-and-pasting chapters three, four, five and six onto Word (thank goodness I post as I finish a chapter, huh?).
So now I have to rewrite Chapter 7.
Once I have got over my intense, burning frustration (I have to write out how to introduce yourself to a horse AGAIN?), I will probably use this opportunity as a chance to make it BETTER! and more INTERESTING! and that sort of thing.
That or I'll throw things and you'll get a filler chapter of pretty awful quality because I'm just so damn frustrated. And it was going to be an important chapter and everything. Or at least a bit important.
...Many apologies. =3

ps. I loathe computers

1 comment:

  1. Y’mean there’s a wrong way to introduce me’self to a horse? Figured I might just sneak up on the end with that twitchin’ and swayin’ tail, and jes’ sez “Hello, Cow!" I always does. Mind you...don’t usually remember much of the conversation after that, I must say. I’d best pay close attention then to your Chapter 7, when you’re done re-forming it.

    Gotta admit I’m kinda deeply in’Like with computers. For all the wonders we might find using them. Tho, nooo, don’t trust them to be perfect, which is why I’ve copy-pasted all of that ongoing treat...perhaps you’ve heard of it?...Mage Hunting...onto a pc and a laptop, for instance.
    I’ve been toying with the idea of emailing story drafts to my Yahoo account, so a copy of some work in progress will exist on my webmail server, safe from fire or flood, or 16-ton weight that might drop from the clear sky onto my hovel. Safe from the giant foot, too.

    I hope you have fun anyway with the rewrite. Prob’ly best to think of it as the first draft. You wrote Chapter 7 once already. It is all still in your head...only waiting for the next telling :)
